• Full texts should be sent as Word documents and should be written in Times New Roman font and 12 points.
  • Numerical annotation should be created after the names of the authors, indicating the institutions to which the authors are affiliated.
  • The name of the author who will make the presentation should be written underlined.
  • Full texts should be prepared under the headings of Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions, References.
  • Abbreviations in the full text should be indicated in the first place.
  • When saving your file, write your surname and name first letters, the date you sent it and “Full Text” and save it in capital letters and leave a space between them.
  • In the papers and posters produced from the Master’s or Doctorate Thesis, the name of the owner of the study should be in the first place and the name of the thesis advisor should be in the second place.
  • Participants are responsible for the problems and disruptions that may occur in this regard, our congress management, organizers and scientific committee do not have any liability.
  • If the publication is produced from a Project and supported by an institution, the supporting institution and the project number should be given at the end of the abstract or the full text. The participant is responsible for any negativities that may occur in this regard.