- Abstracts should be sent as a Word file.
- Abstracts can be submitted in two different languages, both English and Turkish.
- Abstracts should contain a maximum of 300 words in both languages and should be written in Times New Roman 12 points.
- After the authors name and surname, authors institutions should be stated. The ınformatıon of the author to be present must be underlıned.
- Abstracts should be arranged under 5 headings: Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Conclusion, Keywords.
- Abbrevıatıons should be stated at the first occurrence.
- Keywords must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words.
- When saving your file, write your surname and name first letters, the date you sent it and “Abstract” and save it in capital letters and leave a space between them.
Click Here for Summary Example.